
i would be happy to be able to do but after sleuthkit/autopsy couldn't help 
(and no reply from their mailing list about this) i lost nerves and invested in 
recreating as much of the files as possible, which needed crazy huge amounts of 
time but at least was the only safe bet. For the same reason i didn't got _any_ 
time left to try other tools, though there are quite some. Consider that 
operating such low-level on 30G even on a modern dualcore AMD64/2G/SATA is 
anything else than fast. Every run needs hours. 
Anyway, ext3 clearly is difficult to recover. The main problem is i need to 
restore the full pathes and filenames, it doesn't help at all to restore the 
file data alone. I still keep the 30G image of the laptop root partition, and i 
may give it another shot some day. And please spare to ask me to send the 
image, it would need about at least several days with our slow upload contract. 
Besides that there's sensible personal data too.




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