On Tuesday 13 February 2007, Javier Vasquez wrote:
> I admit I'm not knowledgeable enough in the topic, but on windows the
> processor can go from high freq to low freq under battery mode.  Also
> the bios has an option to keep the freq high, low or dynamically set.
> I chose by bios to be dynamically set of course.  So I'm kind of
> perplex about your comment.  Also I read from the kernel itself that
> speedstep-smi supports coppermine cpus with the chipset I have, but of
> course it hadn't worked yet since I'm mailing...

AFAIK Intel's Speedstep Technology in only implemented in the Mobile family of 
processors from Intel. I really don't know what family the coppermine cpu 
falls under.

> How did you confirm this cpu doesn't support throttling?

Check for the "est" cpu flag in /proc/cpuinfo. If available, your processor 
supports the Speedstep Technology.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
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