On Sun, 2007-01-28 at 23:38 -0500, Manu Hack wrote:
> I've installed etch on my laptop.  During the time I used Windows, I
> feel the CPU temperature is lower.  And now the CPU fan works when the
> CPU temperature is higher than 70C and stops (or runs at a lower
> speed) when it's 55C or lower.  I'd like to know if it's possible to
> adjust the threshold temperature like making it run faster well below
> 70C.  Thanks!
try to load some additional modules like 

speedstep-centrino || powernow-k7 (for amd's) || powernow-k8 (for amd64)

write them in /etc/modules on my acer laptop works fine on an hp and on
a vaio too

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