Repeat After Me…

I Hereby Resolve To Make 2007 The Year I Get Off My Butt

And Finally Do All The Things I've Always Wanted To Do!

Dear Annette,

What if those words were a promise to yourself - this holiday season - to make 2007 your best year ever?

Suppose you decided today - right now – that you’re finally going to turn your dreams into actions… your goals into achievements… that you are going to accomplish the five most important things you've always wanted.

And suppose you had more fun doing it than you ever imagined!

It can happen… but you've got to take the first step.

And if you take that one step, next year at this time, you won't be groveling around complaining about your job, stressing about being 20 pounds overweight or sabotaging yourself by missing deadlines, by failing to seize life-altering opportunities or by ignoring important personal and business relationships.

Is 2007 going to be the year you accomplish all that you've always wanted to? You can do it… and ETR will be there to help you every step of the way.

Why not get going right away?

Best regards,

Patrick Coffey
ArcaMax Reader

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