On 6/4/06, Bill Marcum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 10:11:35AM -0300, Henrique Rennó wrote: > Hello!!! > > I've installed Debian Sarge 3.1 in my laptop (Acer Aspire 3002LCI) and > every time I give the halt command the system starts going down > without showing information on the screen (it turns black) until I > hear a sound that I think it's the hard disk stopping working then I > turn off the computer because it does not turn off by itself. > You might need to change the apm or acpi settings in the boot loader.
What changes do I have to do??? I know that my boot loader is grub.
> My doubts are how I could configure Debian to show the proper messages > of services being stopped and things like that when turning off the > system and how the computer could be turned off by itself after > everything has been finished (is there something with APM???). > If you give the halt or shutdown command from X, the messages are sent to tty7 or whichever virtual terminal was active at the time of the command. To see these messages, you can switch to a text console (ctrl-alt-(F1-F6)) before shutting down, or press alt-F7 after the graphic display stops.
If I choose ctrl-alt-(F1-F6) from X I get a black screen. I know that I can type normally (even without seeing what is being typed) because if I type startx the X server starts normally.
-- What this country needs is a good five cent nickel.
-- Henrique "Não há ninguém que seja tão grande que não possa aprender e nem tão pequeno que não possa ensinar." "There's no one that is so great that could not learn nor so small that could not teach." "O indivíduo confiante tenta mais, erra mais, aprende mais." - Piaget "The confident individual try more, err more, learn more." - Piaget