Making a group for cd burning is your best bet, it will work, I'm not sure why 
you were experiencing issues.

Usually on desktop's I'm not uber worried about program security. However, if 
you are then I would suggest making the group.

On Monday 24 April 2006 18:13, Tamas K Papp wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 04:45:53PM -0400, Joseph M. Gaffney wrote:
> > I'd suggest a cd burning group, with appropriate rights.
> Greg, Mike and Joseph,
> Thank you for your help.  The user was in the cdrom group, but
> cdrecord was not setuid root.  Greg's suggestion solved the problem.
> Is there no way for a user to burn cd's without something running as
> root (eg only by appropriate permissions on the device, but no setuid
> bit on cdrecord)?
> Thanks,
> Tamas

Greg Ryman
Network Engineering Supervisor
Candylogic, LLC.
Phone: 949-916-4444 ext. 203

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