--> I restored a lilo like this (the # means a root console):
--> #mount -o rw /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2
--> #mount -o bind /dev /mnt/hda2/dev
--> #chroot /mnt/hda2
--> #mount /proc
--> #lilo
--> This was on a Xandros so YMMV... Just replace hda2 with your
--> root partition. Also, if you have more than just one partition
--> for the system you might need to mount those as well. You will
--> need to, at least, have access to /etc and /sbin, but other
--> directories might be needed as well
--> Andrei

Interesting. I don't pretend to understand chroot. I think I vaguely get
lilo, you rerun it to setup the config files btwn MBR and the kernel.

Fortunately I got through the LILO-crash-rescue-HOWTO-1 without hosing or
losing anything (that I noticed so far.) This howto states that, "It is very
strongly recommended that you use chroot, instead of lilo -r, as it is more
convenient and can catch errors more easily." It hardly seems more
convenient, but I did it anyway. In your example above, what does the "mount
/proc" do? I'm assuming none of the ramdisk fstab edits are needed as the
chroot and the lilo commands simply use the existing correct lilo conf files
to reset/repair stuff?

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