> >>Hello,
> >>I intend to buy a laptop.
> >>I googled to find some information about laptops which support linux Debian
> >>and the informations that I got concerned fairly old laptops and no one 
> >>works
> >>fine at 100%.

well, I got a very used Dell Latitude C600

Xwindow = works with maximum resolution, required a small edition to xorg.conf
modem = not tested yet.
ethernet card = works
usb = wprks
wifi = don't have
power sleep = not tested yet
printer = don't have

Everything currently tested worked right on first boot.
except X which (as always on debian) required dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.
Forgot to mention, I am running Debian Testing.
Paulo Marcondes
Debian GNU/Linux = http://rj.debianbrasil.org

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