> > Knoppix's hardware detection came up with a much better X configuration than
> > Debian's. I'm not sure if this will solve your problem, but it solved mine: 
> > I

I should  give it a try. I just not sure if I have a knoppix image at hand...

> Same here; I am rarely able to get the X configuration tools in a
> default Debian install to work satisfactorily.

> I have 1400x1050 working on my C600 with Sarge netinstall.

This was my first real attempt at getting Debian to work on a laptop.
I've been running only Debian on my boxes since march this year and so
far I am a happy, satisfied "customer". Maybe I am just trying to get
the wrong resolution and 1400x1050 would be the right one.
The video card is a M3.

> the straight Debian (on second thought, it may be testing rather than
> Sarge; doesn't Sarge use Xfree and Etch Xorg?).

Yes, Sarge has Xfree and Etch Xorg.
Also, I've been using testing straight since before Sarge was
released, and have no complains(sp?) so far, besides some gnomepanel
Paulo Marcondes
Debian GNU/Linux = http://rj.debianbrasil.org

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