Rodolfo wrote:

> I don't manage to install a graphical environment on my
> Hyundai 255KI 15, Debian Sarge 3.1 stable.
> After the base installation I did:
>       # apt-get install gdm gnome
> , but no graphical environment will start, neither with:
>       $ startx
> nor with:
>       $ gnome-session
> . Any help?
> (And, how can I start KDE instead of gnome?)

Lee Craig wrote:

> Type apt-get x-window-system (could be x-windows-system)
> And also if it hasn't been done yet..shouldnt need to do it.
> apt-get build-dep gnome
> Once uve set xfree86 up u should be able to run gnome.

Takis Diakoumis wrote:

> try:
> apt-get install x-window-system gdm gnome

Ognjen Bezanov wrote:

> try executing X on its own (in a root terminal). If you get an error
> message, then post it here.
> Also make sure that x-window-system and x-window-system-core are installed
> for choosing which one to startup by default, isnt that done in
> /etc/rc.conf? (or does debian have a different way of doing it?)

Andrew Perrin wrote:

> What happens when you type startx?
> As for using kde instead of gnome, try apt-get install kde kde-core

Thanks to all. I tried to follow all the indications, but nothing.
I did:

# apt-get install gdm gnome
# apt-get install x-window-system x-window-system-core
# apt-get install kde kde-core

, but when I do: '$ startx' it says something like:

XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after
     0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

I can't report the whole output because I can't obviously copy and paste.
As for the file /etc/rc.conf, it does not exist in my system.

Other hints? Maybe something wrong in the laborious xfree86 setting?
There are many questions I don't know how to answer, so I simply type


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