Nico Golde wrote:

> Hi,
> * ???????? ???????????????? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-08 15:54]:
>> Nic Ferrier ??????????:
> [...]
>> >>One final question, why wasn't there a lease from 142.2.*.* (there's at
>> >>least two different DHCP servers there) in my lease file already, from
>> >>yesterday?  They give lease times of one month.  Am I just using the
>> >>wrong DHCP client (so many choices, so little time :-))
>> >>    
>> >Make sure you have dhcp3-client, I had lots of funny problems till I
>> >switched to that version.
>> >
>> Try dhcpcd - alternate dhcp client. Im use this and don't have problems.
> or pump...

Right.  In fact, I am using dhcp3-client because at last check pump and
dhcpcd both had significant problems (admittedly long ago).

> an please change the from string of your mua.

No.  Since I use gmane news to read the debian lists, I'm not _exactly_ sure
what you're seeing, but it's unlikely to be anything other than what I see:
"Derek Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>".  It's a fine address, though you'd
have to go through a challenge-response to use it.  Since it's polite to
respond to newsgroups and email lists through the group or list,
respectively, I'm sure that isn't inconveniencing you.  I confess, I can
never remember if there's supposed to be quotes around the display name,
but yours doesn't have any either. If it's any other address, complain to
gmane as they must be changing it.

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