Dan Wozniak wrote:
> Okay, thanks, this looks like the program I need.  Now all I need is a GPS 
> device.  From the description of 'GpsDrive' it looks like I should get a 
> Garmin GPS receiver with a serial output.  I'm on a tight budget so I guess I 
> just need the minimum which will get me by with this GpsDrive program.  Is 
> Garmin the only way to go?  

Take a look at http://gpsd.berlios.de/hardware.html

The HI-204e can be had for about $80, the HI-204S for about 100, and the
 Earthmate USB with Windows software for about $100.  Not sure if the
newer models ("LT-20") will work or not.

Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
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