On September 27, 2004 05:06 pm, Sebastian Tennant wrote:
> You're starting to worry me!  I am using 2.6.7 which was installed by
> sarge-i386-netinst-daily-build.iso (04/08/04).  I wish it were otherwise
> but I haven't knowingly changed any of those settings :-/

Unfortunately, I haven't a clue how to change them either.  None of them are 
things I would normally bother with - it just points to there being more of a 
change than just adding or removing udev.

> On the whole it's working well.  A few things are bugging me, like the fan
> only coming on with a reboot, and sleep/suspend functionality entirely
> lacking. (This may simply be because I haven't figured out how to get them
> working yet, beyond passing acpi=force as a kernel boot-parameter to enable
> acpi).

Dell ACPI is buggy - and you seem to have two errors in yours.  Make sure you 
have Dell's latest BIOS for your machine.  Most of my ACPI problems went away 
with "relaxed AML" checking, but that used to be a kernel config option, 
right after "Toshiba Laptop Extras", and I don't see it any more (in 2.6.7).  
I suspect that means it's now automatic. 

I still haven't got suspend functionality (S4), but I do have sleep (S1).  The 
fans work right.  One thing to note is that very often the fans don't come on 
just because they really shouldn't.  If you run the same machine w/ Windows, 
you get used to them being on a lot, then when you run in Linux you start to 
worry.  I've seen many posts here, to that effect, and it always turns out 
that the fans don't really need to be on because the CPU temperature hasn't 
reached the trip point.
> P.S What are bogomips by the way?

LOL.  It's just a rating of how fast your machine is operating (mips=million 
instructions / second).  Mine seems to be consistent, but a difference of 4 
bogomips on any modern PC is inconsequential.  

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