Am Mo, den 13.09.2004 schrieb James um 23:09:
> Hello,
> I just installed testing with apache2 on a portable. DI is  really 
> nice now, as I used floppies, and the install was a breeze. I cannot 
> seem to find the grub.conf file. I guess it's called 
> '/boot/grub/menu.lst' ?


> Also, I'm not the swiftest web_hack, so I was looking for an 
> apache2_howto for debian-testing (sarge)... PHP4, perl, and java
> are my preferred tools for the web. Postgresql was installed when I 
> selected webserver and database options during the DI installlation.
> Any docs or information is most welcome. With testing, it included 
> apache2.

Well, there's the package apache2-doc.

Why do you post this on debian-laptop?

Best Regards,  | I couldn't afford a cool signature,
 Sebastian     | so I just got this one.

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