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Hi Thomas,

Thomas Freitag wrote:

Hi Ivan,

all day long I am trying to install a client openafs 1.3.70 on my Debian 3.0 with kernel 2.6.7. Is there somwhere a simple manual how to do that? I downloaded the sources from

If I remember correctly, using openafs with the 2.6 kernel branch is
still a problem. If you take a look at (if you have installed

in section A. 1. there is no AFS sys_name for the 2.6 series, which
may be an indication that it is not working. Unfortunately the Linux
AFS FAQ at http://www.umlug.umd.edu/linuxafs/ is not online.

Yes, you are rught. That's why I have taken the sources of openafs-1.3.70. In the same section on the same README file one can already find i386_linux26 like sys_name. That's why I am trying to install this version of openafs on 2.6.7

Using Kernels from 2.4.22 up to 2.4.27 I never had problems (woody and
sarge). I built my modules from the Debian source package using make-kpkg (a great tool).

1. apt-get install openafs-modules-source kpkg
2. cd /usr/src ; tar xzf /usr/src/openafs.tar.gz 3. cd /usr/src/linux
4. make-kpkg modules_image
5. install Debianpackage in /usr/src

Worked fine for me.

The latest which I tried was jyst following the instructions in

<http://www.openafs.org/dl/openafs/1.3.70/openafs-1.3.70-doc.tar.bz2> in "AFS Quick 
Start Guide for UNIX".
All worked quite fine, even /etc/init.d/afs start

worked. Than following the instructions, one should restart. On that point my machine did not boot.... The steps performed follow:

tar -jxvf openafs-1.3.70-src.tar.bz2
./configure --with-afs-sysname=i386_linux26 --enable-transarc-paths
make dest
mkdir /usr/vice
mkdir /usr/vice/etc
cp -rp i386_linux26/dest/root.client/usr/vice/etc/modload /usr/vice/etc/
cp -p i386_linux26/dest/root.client/usr/vice/etc/afs.rc /etc/rc2.d/afs
/etc/rc2.d/afs start
AFS module /usr/vice/etc/modload/libafs-2.6.7.o does not exist. Not
starting AFS.
cd /usr/vice/etc/modload/
ln -s libafs-2.6.7.ko libafs-2.6.7.o
ln -s libafs-2.6.7.mp.ko libafs-2.6.7.mp.o
/etc/rc2.d/afs start
Starting AFS services.....
cd ..
cp -r /opt/openafs-1.3.70/i386_linux26/dest/root.client/usr/vice/etc/* .
pico /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell (http://www-it.desy.de/index.html.en)
pico /etc/krb.conf
pico /usr/vice/etc/cacheinfo
mkdir /usr/vice/cache
mkdir /etc/sysconfig
cp /usr/vice/etc/afs.conf /etc/sysconfig/afs

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