On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 04:21:16PM +0200, Dirk Reiss wrote:
> Mattia Dongili wrote:
> >could you reproduce this behaviour manually (eg: restarting syslogd
> >manually)?
> >You can eventually submit a bug against cpufreqd
> >
> >bye
> Hello,
> thanks for your answer.
> Unfortuantely, i can not reproduce this manually. cpufreqd is still 
> running after restart of syslogd and logrotate :-(.
> Therefore, it has stopped working in the meanwhile at night (i.e., 
> without any of these events).
> Any further ideas?

well, you can try to launch cpufreqd with increasing verbosity and wait
for it to die. Be careful as verbosity=7 is really verbose :)

Or you can try launching cpufreqd in a console with -D -V7 so that it
won't detach and it will log to stdout/stderr, then leave it there and
wait for it to die.

let me know if you find something interesting

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