Hi all,

This is a simple script I wrote for my students.  I'm happy to share it
with you...

It's a bit complicated because I wanted it do deal with filenames
containing spaces.

Suggestions and improvements are welcome.


============== snip ========== sip ================

usage ()
        echo "Usage: `basename $0` [-m|-k|-h] [dirname]"
        exit 1

case "$1" in

find "$DIR" -maxdepth 1 |
        grep -v '^.$' |
        grep -v "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" |
        while read i; do
                echo "\"$i\""
        done |
        xargs du -sc$KM |
        sort -n
============== snip ========== sip ================

On Seg, 2004-08-16 at 09:59, Mark Janssen wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 10:34, Martin Wegmann wrote:
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > I is rather not a 100% laptop question but it is due to the small storage 
> > device on my laptop (30 GB on IBM T40). 
> > I partitioned my harddrive and left 11GB for my / directory. My home 
> > directory holds more or less 3 GB, nevertheless do I get into trouble at 
> > the moment because the partition is full. 
> > What is filling my / directory? and how do I get rid of these files? The 
> > operating system does definitely not use +/- 8 GB because I previously 
> > removed  many packages and nothing happened. 
> Check with 'du -s /* | sort -n' where most space is being used, drill
> down from there.
> Try running 'apt-get clean' as root to cleanup old packages
> Run a find for large files 'find / -size +100000000c'
Joao Lourenco                  Tels: (+351) 212 948 536
Dep. Informatica                     (+351) 212 948 300
FCT / Univ. Nova de Lisboa      Ext: 10740
Quinta da Torre                 Fax: (+351) 212 948 541
P-2829-516 CAPARICA   http://www-asc.di.fct.unl.pt/~jml

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