Hm.  If no one else wants, to I'm foolish enough
and interested enough to try to organize this effort.
Just don't make me regret it :-)...

What I would also like to suggest is that we find
some way to cooperate with tuxmobil and linux-on-laptops
-- we use their info and we share with them what we
gather.  I think everyone would win if they get up-to-date
info -- which means we get it, too -- and they end up
with an easy way to redistribute their info and keep
it up-to-date for their users.

On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 15:02, Robin Haunschild wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi!
> Am Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2004 14:11 schrieb Riccardo Vestrini:
> > I think it could be a good thing if someone buying a new laptop could
> > simply do
> > apt-get install laptopbrand-laptopserie
> > and then obtain in /usr/share/doc/laptopbrand-laptopserie all needed
> > documentation on how to configure his laptop, necessary kernel
> > patches, a working .config, a working XF86Config-4, pointers and
> > links to websites with personal installation reports, working
> > configuration files for other laptop-typical packages like powernowd
> > and suggestions about useful packages
> Nice idea. But like the others I think that it would be easier and 
> nearly equal useful to use linux-on-laptops or tuxmobile.
> > this could also help long-term users to share informations and
> > fine-tune their laptop
> >
> > I have proposed a package for each serie because I noticed that
> > vendors tends to use similar hardware in a new serie of laptops
> > (except for some things like video board)
> >
> > will someone be interested?
> I have a new Acer Aspire 1513LMi and would like to share my 
> experiences. ;)
> When I have time, I write a report for l-o-l and tuxmobile. If Your idea 
> with the Debian-package will come, I would like to write a package for 
> the Acer AspireLMi.
> Greetings
> Robin
> - -- 
> Robin Haunschild
>   .''`.     Ha Psi ist gleich Eh Psi
>  : :'  :    -Niemals aufgeben, niemals kapitulieren- 
>  `. `'`    *Linux* - apt-get into it
>    `- 
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> =Svk/
Al Stone                                      Alter Ego:
Linux & Open Source Lab                       Debian Developer
Hewlett-Packard Company             
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