Am Sonntag, 27. Juni 2004 12:29 schrieb Joan Tur:
> Es Diumenge 27 Juny 2004 12:04, en Sebastian Mangelkramer va escriure:
> | hello dear list,
> | my acer travelmate 290lci (centrino) laptop drives me crazy because the
> | runtime when i`m on battery is just about 1h 30min.  i`m using debian 3.1
> | sarge with kernel 2.6.7, cpudynd, hdparm with hdd-spindown, ....
> |
> | even if the cpu runs @50% the runtime is about 1h 30 min.
> | i don`t know why.
> |
> | the same laptop running under windoze xp makes more than 4 hours.
> |
> | are there any tipps or solutions for my problems ?
> |
> | p.s. all extra hardware ist off (wlan, pcmcia, ...)

but not the f****** micro$oft optical mouse.
i can`t belive this but if the mouse ist unplugged the runtime increase up 
about nearly 30%

now with tmpfs for /tmp, modified syslog and hdd-spindown the battery will 
make more than one hour ... . (the laptop is up for 2h now and the battery 
shows 49% power.)

> I don't know what can be the probem, but you can have a look at the
> following link for help:

thank you for the good tip !

> | best regards,
> | sebastian

best regards,


Sebastian Mangelkramer

Ebertplatz 8
D-78467 Konstanz
Tel.: +49 (0) 7531 366 954
Mobile: +49 (0) 178 459 63 23
SIP: + 49 (0) 911 308 398 66

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