> > Is there any way of resucing this installation (which had been going
> > so well :-) )??
> Yes, absolutely.
> When you boot off the Linux install media, you can either:
> 1. use a 'rescue' kernel to give single user mode.
> 2. start the install, switch to VT2, start the terminal and then mount
>    your drive.
> The help screens in the boot loader cover how to achieve option 1;
> basically invoke a different boot configuration.
> Option 2 should be pretty easy if you are familiar with Unix.
> Either way, remove the startup link for the broken package and then boot
> from the hard disk again. Viola, problem gone.
>      Daniel

===>>> Thanks. Unfortunately, it didnt quite work. I booted from DVD with the 
installation DVD and booted as
rescue root=/dev/hda1
The rescue system appeared to boot, but the same screen appears and freezes...
===>>>I have also tried it with the newer netinstall
but my laptop freezes at the first screen (Choose language). Setting the boot 
to boot: linux bootkbd=en_US did not help either.
===>>> Any ideas?

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