Am Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2004 01:23 schrieb Jens Nachtigall:
> Hi all,
> I am running sid, using kde and kdelaptopdaemon (including the KLaptop
> applet). When I unplug the laptop (ie it runs from the batteries or is
> started unplugged) the KLaptop daemon tells me after about 30 secs:
> "Battery power is running out!
> 0 minutes left."
> , although KLaptop actually reports about 3h of remaining battery time
> (which is true).
> This only happens to 3 (including root) of my 4 users. The forth user
> account (my most often used one) does not show this behaviour.
> My laptop is a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo M 7400.
> Jens

i`ve got exactly the same problem with an Acer Travelmate 290LCi Centrino 
notebook. But i dont now how to fix this bug.
Perhaps we find more details on the kde-pages oder maillists.


> --
> #!/bin/attorneys
> # see and for how this
> works # and how you can help to fix it
> if [ -n $SOFTWARE_PATENTS ]; then
>   shutdown -h soon
> fi

Sebastian Mangelkramer

IMAC - Information & Management Consulting
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