On Sat, May 29, 2004 at 06:44:46PM +1000, Brendan Dacre wrote:
> Gentlepeople,
> I have a QDI Alacritas 520-K8 AMD 64 based notebook.  I have loaded Woody r0
> bf2.4 kernel from CD and no networking came up automatically.
> I manually loaded the via-rhine driver for the on board network chip but
> dhclient times out and I can get no network connection.

Could you send the appropriate output of dmesg please, the messages
which are shown, when you load the driver. What happens if you
configure the device manually with ifconfig?


PS: It would be great if you would write a Linux installation report
about this machine and send the link to it to TuxMobil.org

|=| Werner Heuser = Berliner Str. 122 = D-13187 Berlin = Germany
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|=| http://TuxMobil.org        UniX on Mobile Systems: HOWTOs,Software
|*| This is no time for phony rhetoric -- Lou Reed

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