Hmmm didn't think about this. That's a great idea though. And how do I
restore the files now ? Say my HDD crashes, do I need to reinstall Debian
and then run a reverse rsync or something like this ?

Does rsync allow to backup an entire OS (including config files, special
files, links, etc...) ? I am really looking for something like 'ghost'... I
am not sure rsync cuts it. I'll do more searching though.

Thanks / Merci !


-----Original Message-----
From: Pascal Mainini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: tape backup ?

Hello Stephane

>  Another random question for debian users on laptop.

i'm not really sure if your question really belongs to debian-
laptop - but anyway, my solution also works with laptops :-)

>  So here I am now, browsing for backup solutions, from Zip drives to DVD
>  burners or CD burners.

have you already thought about external harddisks (usb 2.0 or firewire -
doesn't matter and depends on what you prefer).

>  - the disk is rather small (< 10 GB) but I want to be able to do
> incremental and full backups

if you buy an external disk with let's say 250gb of space, you will be
able to keep 25 versions of your backup - enough for a version of each
month of a year as well as a version for the last 4 weeks and the last
7 days (or whatever your strategy is).

i'm doing my backup that way and i'm really happy about it (this means:
i didn't have any problems with it).
there are many ways for backing up your data to the disk - i do it using
a specialised shellscript which uses rsync. if you like you can have a 
look at it on

>  - the media is not important. Tapes would be good I guess ? (they're
>  and 'scratch resistant' as opposed to CDs)

i don't know about where you live - but here in switzerland, good tapedrives
are quite expensive. also, tapes can fail due to moist, rough and long-
time usage or dust. also you're not that flexible if you need more space
(you can just buy a larger disk if you need more space). also, tapes tend
to be slow i think (except of course for really expensive material)

>  - Some software should support it (I am running woody).
firewire disks are no problem at all and mountable as is a normal harddisk.
i don't know how well usb 2.0 disks work - i prefer firewire.

>  - USB would be great, speed is not important.
speed is quite good with firewire/usb 2.0

>  - CHEAP !!!!! I can't spend $1000 bucks for the overall system.
here in switzerland you'll get a firewire-hd-case with included
power supply + a 250 gb hd for around 230-240 us-$. if you're paranoid
you can even buy a second one :-)

kind regards,

Pascal Mainini

Pascal Mainini             -------  open-minded computer artist
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