On Sun, 2004-05-23 at 10:06, Shaun T. Erickson wrote:
> I wrote:
> > How do I use the Sarge installer? I booted the first CD, and I got 
> > something that appears to be very manual, when I hit return at the boot 
> > prompt.
> I think I understand now, but please correct me if I'm wrong. The 3.0 
> release I downloaded, is called "woody". The beta version of 3.1 is 
> called "sarge", and includes the new installer. So, you're suggesting I 
> download and use the beta release instead, yes?
>       -ste

I'm not sure about the version numbers (I think Sarge will be 4.0 once
it's final), but that's right. Sarge is getting very close to release,
so installing now is essentially giving you the "stable" distribution
anyway. Note that if you're looking for a desktop system, and you're
comfortable with occasional (a couple of times a year) troubleshooting,
you can and probably should use unstable. It's not nearly as bad as the
name implies. :)

Here's a link for the net-install iso. It's 110 MB. It'll do a base
install at which point you connect to the internet to fetch the rest of
the packages.


If you need any more help, feel free to ask.

p.s. I'm subscribed to debian-laptop, so no need to CC me on replies.

Alex Malinovich
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