Hi Michelle,

It is very common to have problems creating (working) boot
floppies, caused by bad media.  Lately, I need to throw out
about 1 in every 3 I try.

Ensure they are reformatted, and contain 0 bad blocks, otherwise
you will be frustrated!

John Miskinis

From: Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Boot diskette
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 16:28:17 +0200

Am 2004-05-15 16:50:53, schrieb Christian:
>This aint really a laptop problem, but ill try it here anyway.
>Im planning to install debian on a pretty old computer (4-5 years old).
>And the problem is that i cant boot it from a cdrom. So how do i make a
>boot diskette?
>I've tried to make one from windows using RAWRITE but without success.

Go to the Debian-FTP site and download:


It will help you to make the floppies.
(Wenn Du mehr fragen hast, kannste auch PM machen)

>//Christian Wiedel


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