On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 07:45:28PM +0200, François TOURDE wrote:
> Le 12550ième jour après Epoch,
> David Fokkema écrivait:
> > On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 05:45:14PM +0200, François TOURDE wrote:
> >> Le 12550ième jour après Epoch,
> >> David Fokkema écrivait:
> >> 
> >> > Hi group,
> >> >
> >> >>From time to time, I use a beamer on my external VGA port of my laptop.
> >> > My laptop TFT panel has a resolution of 1400x1050 pixels but the beamer
> >> > has a resolution of only 800x600. However, it can support 1024x768 using
> >> > software scaling. Right now I have to edit my XF86Config-4 by hand and
> >> > then restart my X server. The problem is that X does recognize the
> >> > beamer on the external port and does switch back to a lower resolution,
> >> > but the viewport stays at 1400x1050, not very handy. Does anybody know
> >> > of an easy solution?
> >> 
> >> Don't tell us what laptop, what video card, etc.
> >> 
> >> Let us guess. It will be easier.
> >
> > Please be cynical. It will make me more eager to let you guess.
> >
> > Seriously, though, this is not hardware related. It is not really a
> > problem either. Right now, I edit my XF86Config-4 to switch resolutions.
> > I know of ctrl-+, but that won't change my viewport, which really is the
> > problem.
> Ok, if you're sure you can't resolve the problem with hardware
> specific options, no problem.
> Just some infos:
> On my laptop, using GeForce4 hardware, i've tried numbers of
> solutions, mixing hard (driver) and soft ones, and hards one were the
> bests.
> Some guidelines:
> - Multiple X servers: one for the TFT, and the other for VGA out.
> - Check if Twinview is available for you, respecting multi resolution
>   modes (It works for me, but I choose next option)
> - Try to configure multiple screens on your card (not twinview mode).

I hadn't thought of that! Now I see why you wanted to know the hardware
etc. Maybe I was a bit naive, :-) Just for the record: ASUS L5800C,
Radeon Mobility 9000, [EMAIL PROTECTED], updated bios (so no black screen
stuff anymore, ;-)

But if I'm able to set up multiple screens or something like that, how
do I go about running, for example, xpdf -fullscreen presentation.pdf?

Thanks so far,


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