On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 23:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi, > I am new to debian but I have some experience with Linux. > I have installed Debian "woody" Ver 2.2.20 and i am running KDE Ver 2.2.2 > sucessfully on a Dell > Latitude Laptop. > > I am trying to install a wireless PCMCIA card to get the network going, I > looked in /etc/pcmcia and did a more on > config file and found a list of supported cards. I selected a DLink Air > DWL650 from the list and installed the card. > I get a high beep then a low beep which I believe means that it recognized > the card but cant handle it. > > This is my first shot at tryng to configure a lan on a laptop and need some > guidance on getting the wireless > card going, Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks >
I don't think that a kernel 2.2 can manage with wireless card. You should upgrade to kernel 2.4 (precompiled kernels exists in debian package for unstable) > > > Oscar Quintanilla > MTS Telephony, Cox Communications > 619-303-4700 > 619-263-9251 ext 5989 > Jeremy -- ------ Linux Registered User #317862 You want to use GNU/Linux or Windows ? - You want to spend time or money ? Why is Microsoft raising prices on you? Because they can ! - To take that power away from them, use Linux !