Quick info:

With kernel (2.6.5) radeon drivers (DRI/fb): No screens found.
(M 9700 seems not to be supported by Xfree 4.3)

With the drm-trunk packages:
glxinfo shows no DRI, and framrate of glxinfo falls from 440 (vesa) down to 180 frames. Same for tuxracer (both times software mode). :-( Radeon tells me that gfx adapters ati M 9500 and higher are still not supported.

So I think using an "accelerated driver" is of no use, since it slows down my system. Vesa drivers work fine, even with multiple monitor support. I nobody has an idea how to get acc. graphics, I will continue using vesa drivers.


Dolle wrote:
What kind of error do you have?
tail /var/log/XFree86.0.log


Am Do, den 29.04.2004 schrieb Sebastian Bleikamp um 15:39:


I own a laptop with this chipset. Although I get the (standard) kernel modules
loaded, X11 does not work with the radeon or ati drivers. Can anybody help me ? If it is better to use external drivers, please tell me which ones.


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