Bjoern, without the intend to exagerate this thread:
> Bjoern Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-04-24 15:03]: > > Lukas Ruf schrieb: > >>>Was wäre eigentlich wenn ich der Dame eine Mail mit gefälschter > >>>Adresse von jemand anderem sende der auch eine Abwesenheitsnotiz > >>>hat? Endlosschleife => eMailserver-tot? Oder sind diese Mails > >>>bewusste SPAMs? > >> > > > >against stupid users, no one could do anything real! > > If i send an eMail with a falsified senders adress ( who has > vacation notices enabled ) to a recipient who has vacation notices > enabled too, would that lead to an endless loop between this 2 > Mailservers? > this depends on the mailserver and its configuration. With a stock Postfix you can't; with a rather old sendmail you could. > That could be used to DoS 2 Mailserver with only 5 or 6 eMail and i > want to know if i have to do something to avoid that this could be > used to DoS MY Mailserver... > Me as a Sysadmin of a rather large installation (approx. 500 hosts & users), I had this problem once when running an old sendmail installation on a Sun box. The problem there was that a user created a loop *and* forgot to insert "^Precedence: bulk$" into the vacation header (otherwise, vacation would have filtered the looped messages itself). Hence, sendmail running as root used all resources... > I know that this is the wrong list for those questions, it was an > 'accident' that i posted them to this list. Although, my Mailserver > is an armada 1700... :) > My 'answer' was not ment to be offensive against you but I am just tired of all these mailing list users that are not able to configure their vacation. Against these users, no one can do anything real.... In German: Aus diesem Grund filtriere ich alle Mailing-Listen auf diese dummen vacation messages soweit wie moeglich -- gleich wie auch auf subscribe oder unsubscribe emails... Schoenes Wochenende! wbr, Lukas -- Lukas Ruf | Wanna know anything about raw | <> | IP? -> <> | eMail Style Guide: <>|