Apologies to all, I hit send to soon.

Hi all

I have what appears to be a driver/IO conflict that I would greatly
appreciate some assistance with fixing!

I have recently acquired an older laptop - a Toshiba Satellite Pro
460CDT - that I am using to learn the Debian ropes. It came with a 3COM
Dell-branded PCMCIA network adapter, model 3CCFE575CT.

I have installed Debian 3.0r2, and everything has gone perfectly. I've
got my setup nicely customised, and am enjoying myself immensely
playing with everything. There is, however, a slight problem.

The laptop will sometimes freeze or lockup when using the network. This
is intermittent, but occurs more often with a high network load. It
occurs as regularly when using X or simply on the console. I can cause
the laptop to freeze by issuing a 'ping -f ' to any host on the local
subnet (I assume it would be the same with the public Internet, but I
don't see any point in flooding someone else's network to find out).
After some time, usually less than 20 to 30 seconds, the laptop will
lock up. 

The frustrating thing about this is that when booting to Knoppix 3.3,
the problem does not appear. I can 'ping -f' my heart out, and the
laptop remains rock solid.

I have copied the /etc/pcmcia/config.opts file from the Knoppix image
to my Debian install, thinking it was a IO port conflict, but this has
not resolved the issue. I have increased the PCI Latency Timer setting
(setpci -H1 -s *:* latency_timer=64) but this has not resolved it
either. I did this because the Knoppix boot messages report that the
Knoppix installer sets the PCI latency to this value.

So, there is obviously a difference in the PCMCIA configuration on
Knoppix and Debian, but I simply don't know where to begin to transfer
the settings over - or even if this is possible. Can someone please
point me in the right direction? Has anyone dealt with a  problem like
this, or similar, in the past?

Many thanks
Matt Barrett

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