On Apr 5, 2004, at 7:09 PM, Luis Mendes wrote:

Hi all,

I am about to buy a new laptop and after searching a couple of different
brands I came across the Acer TravelMate 800 series which has most of
the features I am looking for. Has anyone on this list got any
experience with this laptop? I am planing to install Debian on it as I have done on the laptop I am using at the moment. I checked mobilix and linux-on-laptops and it seems that most of the hardware works fine under linux. I am a bit suspicious with the price since this is by far the cheapest laptop with these specs I could find. The next one up is almost £500 more expensive... (at least in the uk...)

Otherwise, suggestions for laptops with similar specs (centrino 1.7GHz,
512 Mb (or more)ram, large disk > 40Gb well supported graphics chip, not
too heavy, relatively long battery time... ) would also be greatly

Thanks in advance for your help,


I am planning to buy an Acer Travelmate of the 800 series myself.
Using http://www.tuxmobile.org/ I found some more or less interesting
sites :)

These should suit your needs just fine:


Although these links don't exclusively point to debian on an travelmate,
they might give you a hint on what to do to get certain devices
up and running.


Bob Hentges - http://bob.hentges.lu/
Luxembourg - Europe
The following statement is true: The previous statement was false.

                  Astrophysics Group
   Luís E Mendes  Imperial College        Tel. +44 (0)20 7594 7539
                  Blackett Laboratory     Fax. +44 (0)20 7594 7541
                  Prince Consort Road
                  London, SW7 2BW
                  United Kingdom

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