Incoming from Hadar Pedhazur:
> s. keeling wrote:
> >Did you run lilo before re-booting?  If not, you should boot from CD,
> >mount your root ptn, run lilo, then re-boot.
> Oops. Thank you very much. I have installed RH9 on two servers, and 
> [snip]
> So, I can boot fine from the Xandros rescue floppy, with the 2.4.22-x1 
> kernel, and have complete access to the hard drive. However, I can't 
> even boot from the same kernel off the hard drive now, as it hangs in 
> the same spot: initializing kernel...

Perhaps you should post your /etc/lilo.conf, the output of "mount" (in
the running Xandros), and perhaps "fdisk -l /dev/your_boot_drive".

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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