Salve, Linux on mobile devices could be also indirect by ssh connections. Over one year I`m searching for one ssh client for Java J2ME for mobil phones like the simens S55 and now the good news: - it is possible - some has hacked it - it is working - the client is with GPL. :)))
The czech Radek Polak needed only 8 days to hack this client by combining two existing GPLsed programs, telnet+ssh :) see: I use a free shell from for testing it. Does anybody advise a Debian shell account? To make it more populare the manual could be written better and I think to write an article for or some other magazins. I still have to solve how to use lynx/links with this limited columns - somebody an idea? And for such an articel a collection of some shell-skripts/funktion would be fine, like: English-German dictionary enquiry: function leo { lynx -source "$@" | grep "TABLE.*/TABLE" | sed "s/^.*\(<TABLE.*TABLE>\).*$/<HTML><BODY>\1<\/BODY><\/HTML>/" | lynx -stdin -dump -width=$COLUMNS -nolist; } Wikipedia enquiry: function wp { lynx -dump"$*"|more; } Have fun, rob PS: Some ideas for this client -keyboard interlock -parsing for alerts (vibration when chat program shows @rob) -history -more secure passwort use