On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 08:32:24PM +0200, Mugurel Tudor wrote:
>       I have a Debian Sid installed on my laptop, and dramebuffer is kinda
> vital for me (nice console in native resolution). All worked fine in
> 2.6.0, but when I installed 2.6.3, the framebuffer is not functioning
> anymore (I can not see anything when it's booting). From what I've
> discovered, vesafb wasn't included in initrd. So I recreated initrd with
> vesafb, checked with a "strings initrd.img | grep vesafb" that my vesafb
> driver is indeed in the initrd, but the problem still persist.
>       Have anyone experienced something similar ?

Yes, I've seen the same thing recently.  I changed out my graphics card
recently (It's now an Matrox g400) and I thought it was THAT, but now
that you mention it, that card worked fine with 2.6.2.

I don't know how to fix it (I don't use the console much on that box), I
wish I had more help for you.

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