On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 11:25:21AM -0500, James wrote:
> Hello,

Your question is not laptop specific. Debian-user is a better mailing

> This may seem strange, but I have need to test a old device
> driver that a vendor says works with a 2.4.20 kernel.  They
> recomend Redhat, but, say that Debian should work. So,
> on a Sarge installation, I tried:
> apt-get -t testing install kernel-sources-2.4.20
> but the package had this  error message reply:
> "Couldn't find package kernel-sources-2.4.20"

To see what kernel-source packages are available, use

  apt-cache search kernel-source --names-only

If it is not necessary to compile the kernel yourself, you can
perhaps install a kernel binary:

  apt-cache search kernel-image-2.4.20 --names-only

If on your Debian GNU/Linux system apt is configured in such a way
that the necessary kernel or source packages are not available, you
can get Linux from


All kernel versions are available, both old and new. For example, in


is 2.4.20 kernel.

Tapio Lehtonen
GPG public key from http://www.iki.fi/Tapio.Lehtonen
http://www.taleman.fi/ IT-alan asiantuntijapalvelut Porissa

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