On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 02:47:47PM +0100, Fran?ois TOURDE wrote:
> Le 12458i?me jour apr?s Epoch,
> Sridhar Srinivasan ?crivait:
> > Hi,
> Hi Sridhar.


Thanks for replying.

> > I'm running unstable on a Dell Inspiron 4100 with the nvidia
> > GeForce2Go graphics card. I recently upgraded my nvidia driver from
> > version 5328 to 5336 and since then I've faced this weird problem. 
> >
> > If I suspend the laptop to RAM and leave it for a few hours, it
> > reboots when I wake it up again. The weird thing is that it works fine
> > if I wake it within a couple of hours. The syslog shows the apmd
> > suspending and after that it shows the laptop booting up. I didn't
> > have that problem with the 5328 version, so I'm wondering if anyone
> > else has faced/is facing the same problem?
> I've had the same problem with older drivers, but it can be the
> same. The reason I suspected is ... xscreensaver. So I disable the
> screen power management in screensaver preferences, and then all works
> good.

Good point, I was fiddling with the screensaver after upgrading but I
believe I had it turned off and the reboots still happened. 

> The other thing I do is hacking the Nvidia source part of the driver
> as described in my installation page. Take a look at:
>   http://francois.tourde.org/C840/
> and especially section: 
>   http://francois.tourde.org/C840/debian_on_dell_c840_5.html#SEC11

Well, in my case since the release of the 5328 version, I have not
needed to hack the source and it works "out of the box" for me.

To update my situation, I downgraded to version 5328 of the nvidia
driver and the problem seems to have disappeared and my laptop now
suspends fine.


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