On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 03:58:55PM +0100, Martin Bock wrote:
> Hello again!
> > I have a similar problem on my Acer Travelmate 801. Now that I have
> > checked the script you mentioned, and found it being correct, I was
> > just wondering how to troubleshoot the anacron not starting. Where
> > did you begin to search?
> Sorry, forgot to mention that I am running Testing/Unstable on kernel 
> 2.4.24.
> Thanks in advance, Martin Bock

Well, things are never as simple as they seem...  As a previous poster
mentioned, this issue depends on individual hardware and possibly on
the release, the kernel version, etc...  so it appears that the proper
test in /usr/bin/on_ac_power should include reading the system tables
to determine the location of the /proc file.

But, to answer your question, first I tried to understand logrotate and
see if there was something odd there.  Then, since logrotate is driven
by cron, I started at /etc/init.d to see what was going on there.  I
checked the /etc/rc.d* links, found that there was cron AND anacron,
followed the different scripts until I found /usr/bin/on_ac_power.  No
doubt your problem is caused by something completely different given
that you're running a mixture (is that right?) of testing/unstable.

Sorry I can't be of more help.  I've only run stable here.


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