
wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction here.

I am running a wireless network between 2 laptops. one of the laptops acts as a router. mainly for my own peace of mind I would like to secure the wireless connection a little more than just encryption and have been thinking about VPN's.

all of the stuff i have read about VPNs talks about using them to make secure connections across multiple computers ie PC1 connects via VPN to PC4 but goes through PC2 & PC3. I want to connect PC1 to PC2 via VPN and then out to net (or wherever) PC2 is running a firewall which _should_ be adequate to stop attacks from the net (working ok at the moment at least!) but I am concerned about someone else trying to either a) sniff my network and grab passwords etc, b) attack my router or laptop from inside the network or c) connect to the net via my router, masquerading as me.

Am I heading in the right direction by looking at VPNs? my router currently firewalls anything coming from inside the network that doesn't come from my laptops IP (haven't set up mac filtering yet) and my laptop also has a firewall that stops any incoming connection unless it is state RELATED,ESTABLISHED so I guess really it is just the data flowing between the 2 computers that I am worried about.

of course,I would be interested in VPNs that can be installed the debian way..



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