> If after a start of Linux 2.6.1 or 2.6.2 I let my notebook
> perform a warm restart, it does not matter which Linux is
> booting next: tapping still won't work. I need to turn it off
> and on again (and then use Linux <= 2.6.0).
Hmm could be the same problem I had. I once had my TP working under 2.6
but some reboots later I couldn't get it to work anymore.

but then I changed the XF86Config for the Synaptics TP form the IMPS/2
protocol to the event protocol.
you can find out which device it is with looking at
for me event1
So I changed the Device to /dev/input/event1
and everything works fine so far.
Paul Bettinger                                             /'^'\
                                                          ( o o )
              Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  .oooO
                                                       (   )   Oooo.
--------------------------------------------------------\ (----(   )----
                                                         \_)    ) /

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