After finaly booting up my laptop again, I checked modules, and hid is already 
in the list of loaded modules...  as a matter of fact after looking through 
the list of modules I noticed that I'm not loading any of the hci's but after 
hotplug starts up it loads two of them (I don't know why two, but ahh... what 
ever), so I put them in /etc/modules and rebooted it as a test... it worked.


On Wednesday 04 February 2004 05:07 pm, Miroslav Maiksnar wrote:
> V St, 04. 02. 2004 v 14:54, Matt Filizzi píše:
> > Since upgrading to 2.6 I've had some wierd behavior with Hotplug and my
> > usb mouse.  Specificly when I boot hotplug is started however I have no
> > responce from my mouse (it being an optical mouse, I have no lights on
> > it).  When I login and do an "/etc/init.d/hotplug restart" the mouse then
> > comes up.  At first I thought this was due to hotplug not starting at the
> > correct time, so I changed it in the boot order with no luck.
> Maybe you could try adding module hid into your /etc/modules. Hotplug
> tries to load module input, which doesn't exist in 2.6 kernels.
> Mixi

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