
I've got a couple Thinkpad 560 machines, that use the
9382/9385 (not sure which) chipset.  I never managed to
get the trident drivers to work in XFree86 4, but was able to
get them working using "vesa" as the driver.

At one point, I actually pulled the ATI drivers from CVS and
built them, as there were some fixes, but still had no luck.

These days, I use XFree86 3.3.6 on them,  you may want to
investigate using the older X.

Good luck,  John

From: Brendan Dacre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: IBM Thinkpad, X Server won't start
Date: 10 Jan 2004 19:53:21 +1100

On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 02:08, Ryan Morgan wrote:
> Hi all, was wondering if anyone could offer some assistance.  I just
> installed Debian Woody on an IBM Thinkpad (specs below).  I believe I
> have XF86Config-4 configured properly for my video setup, because I've
> found other users with the same machine and used the same applicable
> settings (driver, HorizSync, VertRefresh, etc).  However the X server
> refuses to start, with this complaint:
> Fatal server error:
> Caught signal 11.  Server aborting
> (entire log file below)
> 'Puter specs:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> * IBM Thinkpad 760 LD
> * Pentium 90, 24 MB RAM, 810 MB HD
> * Trident Cyber 9320 video
> * Laptop LCD display, 640x480 maximum resolution (ugh!)
> * I'm using gdm display manager.  Does that matter?
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier     "Standard VGA"
>     VendorName     "Unknown"
>     BoardName      "Unknown"
>     Driver     "vga"
> EndSection
> Section "Screen"
>     Identifier  "Screen 1"
>     Device      "Trident Cyber 9320 (generic)"

        Device  "Standard VGA"

>     Monitor     "ibm thinkpad 760 screen"
>     DefaultDepth 8
>     Subsection "Display"
>         Depth       8
>         Modes       "640x480"
>         ViewPort    0 0
>     EndSubsection
>     Subsection "Display"
>         Depth       16
>         Modes       "640x480"
>         ViewPort    0 0
>     EndSubsection
>     Subsection "Display"
>         Depth       24
>         Modes       "640x480"
>         ViewPort    0 0
>     EndSubsection
> EndSection


Have you tried using the standard VGA driver rather than the trident?

According to http://www.linux-thinkpad.org/ the svga driver should work
with your chipset and might get better resolution (800x600).


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