What: SONY VAIO F490 650Mhz Intel, 18GB HDD Debian 3.0 rev2 "woody", new install
Problem: Can't get arrow shaped cursor in GUI or block in console. Cursor is a three quarter inch square of vertical lines or hash in GUI. Top left corner of square is the point which works but is very hard on the eyes. "gpm" is installed, but no gpmconfig. No cursor of any kind on the console, root or user. Square cursor in KDE and GNOME and Konqueror and all GUI stuff. The GUI desktop peripheral setup is of no help Computer has built in mouse and I use external PS/2 mouse. Either/or both work identically bad!! Did not have this problem with RH 9 or Mandrake 9.0 Question: How to set up mouse with small arrow cursor on either/or both mice?? How get "gpmconfig" if necessary? How to make work on the console? Regards, Bob RCT W3SR KMail