On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 08:57:46AM +0000, Achim D. Brucker wrote:
> do you have "Local APIC support on uniprocessors" enabled in your
> kernel (its located in the "Processor type and features" section). 
> It seems, that halting _and_ powering off the machine only works
> it this option is _disabled_. At least this was the case for my
> setup.

Yes, that did it...

> Btw, does sleep and suspend work on your machine? If it works, 
> can you please point me to the right configuration

Not with ACPI, unfortunately.  That's currently the only flaw that I've
found in Linux 2.6's support of this hardware.  It's a fairly major
flaw, unfortunately.  8^(

I have played around a bit with different options, and can report that I
did get the laptop to successfully suspend and resume using ACPI *once*
and haven't been able to do so since!  It was in multi-user mode, but X
was not running and a number of modules that I normally use were
unloaded.  I've installed the proprietary ATI drivers for the graphics
card since I want to run sarge on this system and it seems that XFree86
4.3 is still quite a ways away.  I suspect, though, that the proprietary
drivers are not likely to support software suspend/resume.

Ever since that one time that suspend worked, it has failed consistantly
with output that would seem to indicate that the hard drive is doing
something to cause the machine to wake back up for some reason.

Suspend to RAM (echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep) sometimes works, but it
actually leaves me with an unresponsive keyboard upon resume.  I saw
some discussion when searching Google for some unrelated topic, and it
seems that I'm not the only one who has seen this.  The thread that I
found did seem to include a fix, but unfortunately I can't find it


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