On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 04:51:44PM -0600, Brian Kelsay wrote:
> Anybody have the Yamaha opl3sa2 sound chip, using either the module opl3sa2 
> or w/ support compiled in the kernel?  I am going to compile the 2.4.23 
> kernel w/ support for my sound chip, but I don't know the exact line to 
> pass to the kernel in lilo.conf.

I have one on the motherboard of an old Pentium II (desktop) machine.
In 2.4.23, I have
The kernel sees the chip as a PNP device, and "modprobe opl3sa2" works
without any module (or lilo) parameters needed.

> Mine appears to be a ISA non-PnP type.  Odd in a laptop, I know, but
> lspci and the isapnp tools don't see the chip.

You might see if compiling ISAPNP into the kernel solves it.

Eric C. Cooper          e c c @ c m u . e d u

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