Attention:  Please Cc me if you answer from debian-user (curently I am 
==========  not subscribed, because the traffic and an ADSL Problem)

Am 2003-12-01 10:40:40, schrieb Tim Folger:
>This is  a very good idea. It might be easiest if the lists were named 
>debian-stable, debian-testing, and debian-unstable, rather than 
>debian-woody, etc, since the release names will be changing.

Hello all, 

Curently my Server is Off-Line becaue a problem with my 

But I have Websites for SLINK, POTATO, WOODY and SARGE and 
for each website a Mailinglist. 

I think, named mailinglists like debian-woody are better 
then debian-stable because there are some peple which are 
running older Hardware and can not install WOODY, SARGE,...

Which mean, that even if someone like to install SLINK on a 
486, the Mailinglist will still availlable. For peoples 
which are willing to Help it will no problenm, because the 
traffic are naturaly decreasing on older Versions...


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