doesn't fam engage in periodic disk access? i certainly get 
a lot less when not using kde despite having 256M RAM.

anyway, i was referring to load time, 'caus my laptop 
processor throttles down when running on batteries. kde 
becomes unwieldy, whereas ion+emacs+xterm ziiips.


On Wednesday 19 November 2003 17:43, Anders Ellenshøj 
Andersen wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 November 2003 13:41, Caoilte O'Connor 
> > who could face loading all of KDE when running on
> > batteries. yuck.
> Excuse me but how can using KDE impact your battery life?
> Anders
> --
> This email was generated using KMail from KDE 3.1.4 on
> Debian GNU/Linux

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