El vie, 07-11-2003 a las 12:29, David Goodenough escribió: > I just got myself a new laptop (the old one died). Its a Clevo D410E, with a > Pentium IV and Ati 9000 graphics. > > My first attempt to install was to use Knoppix, but as soon as it tried to > load the kernel (a 2.4 kernel) it cleared the screen and stopped. > > So I tried a Debian 3.0r1 CD, and installed that with a 2.2 kernel, and > it works. It boots quite happily and I can run all my normal stuff > on it, provided I stick to stable. Normally I run unstable on my laptops > as they generally work better and also I get KDE 3, OO, Eclipse etc. > > So I tried upgrading to unstable, keeping the kernel, but I got into a > problem with upgrading libc6, it complained that sleep 1 and ldconfig > both caused illegal instrunction exceptions. So I thought well maybe > there is something in this P IV that it does not like, and tried to upgrade > to a 2.4 kernel. I tried 2.4.22, and it failed in exactly the same manner as > knoppix. > > I select the 2.4 kernel from Lilo, and it unpacks the kernel, says that it is > now going to boot the kernel, it clears the screen and stops dead. > > So I thought well maybe this is an apic problem, and tried noapic, no change. > > So I thought maybe this is a graphics problem, the Ati 9000 being > relatively new. So I tried video=vesa, and that made no difference. > So I then remembered I had had difficulties with video=vesa with > some stock 2.4 kernels on another machine, and set up a serial > console. I tested this on the 2.2 kernel, and then tried with the 2.4, > exactly nothing came our of the console. > > I notice that in the 2.4.23 kernel there is a fix that provides a nolapic > parameter, but I do not know if that is even remotely relevant. > > Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be the cause of the > problem, or how to proceed with debugging? > > Thanks in advance > > David With my laptop, i have the same problem, so i tryed to load the kernel beta, 2.6.0.test-*. The kernel load and my laptop works very well, but now i'm trying to configure acpi for i can sleep it and suspend and hibernate.
Good Luck. -- Néstor Salceda (aka WiZiTo) GnuPG key available at pgp.rediris.es Registered Linux User #317175
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