On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 06:18:43PM +0100, Mariano Kamp wrote:
> Hi,
>   I am running unstable, Kernel 2.4.22 and KDE on the a.m. laptop. As video 
> driver the binary driver from nvidia is used. From time to time the screens 
> flickers for a quarter of a second and then it returns to normal operations. 
> It never happens more than once a minute.  

Does the screen flicker off and on, or pause for a little?  On my old Toshiba
(2775XDVD), the whole computer paused for a little; that precipitated the death
of the hard drive.  If it's relatively new, though, that shouldn't be a problem
(the drive on my 2775 was 3+ years old).

::snip? SNIP!::
> Cheers,
> Mariano

|  "I tried to live on love once, and damn near     |
|   starved to death."                              |
|   -- James Phillips                               |
) http://www.cuodan.net/~xsdg/    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

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