And by doing so, you'll have two advantages:
1) you do not do anything illegal (sending you a copy of a recovery cd
would violate copyrights and licences)
2) you get a fresh install of the best OS (i.e. Linux) and furthermore,
it's best distribution (i.e. debian) 



On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 18:11, Yves Rutschle wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 08:18:31AM -0800, Tom Drixler wrote:
> > I have a Thinkpad A30p. Unfortunately, I have lost my
> > Recovery CD?s, and guess what, IBM does not sell the
> > Recovery?s!!!! So, please help me out, and send me a copy
> > of your Recovery. Shipments and all costs will be paid of
> > course!
> No need to ship anything, you can recover a laptop with any
> normal Debian install CD, which are available from
> Hope that helps,
> Y.

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