Hi Aswin

On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 18:55, Aswin Venkat wrote:

> Actually this is part of the problem. At home i have a connection via
> a modem to the internet(through a gateway). 

Do you mean you have a 
a) modem connected to the Laptop or 
b) a modem connected to a gateway which the Laptop connects to?

> At school however, the
> connection goes via a LAN and router.

> I was able to get the network running from home. I installed the package
> laptop-net that uses debconf to guide the installation and it
> worked. However, i am not sure how to handle two sets of networks--is
> there a way the laptop can detect which network its on and get on it
> or do i need two sets of /etc/interfaces/network files?
Read the documentation of laptop-net, its all in there. 


Don't get me wrong on this: I could walk you through what I did for my
laptop, taking approximately a dozen mails in both directions. Reading
those, you will feel better if you read the docu first, then try it
yourself and use google to advance. If you want to use linux, you'll
have to spend a lot of time reading docu, man, info, on the web. 
Lists like this one are there to help you _after_ you have tried a lot
on your own. There are Howtos out there on nearly everything.

> Essentially i want to have a /etc/interfaces/network file that does
> something like
> if @home then eth0 uses first network
> else
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] then eth0 uses the school network
> else
> eth0 uses available network(or atleast tries to)
laptop-net _can_ do so, but as far as I remember only for Networks where
it can sniff the traffic when physically connecting to it; for a Modem
connection you will have to tell laptop-net the scheme it shall use. On
the other hand, when you do an 'if-up ppp0' (or whatever your modem
device is), if-up sets everything so that the network 'knows' that
traffic will go out there and not use the LAN connection (which is eth0
and will be down if no cable is connected).
Okay, this gets complicated. Read Network-Howto, Modem-Howto and what
ever the point you at to understand what networking is about and how you
can influence it. If you understand it, you'll not need pre-build
scripts since you could do it by hand with only a few commands. 

To start with, read the laptop-net manual.

> I installed the whereami package which i thought should do that but i
> was'nt able to get that to work. I read about another package ifplugd
> that supposedly does that(available in the unstable distribution--i
> have the stable version installed currently)

STAY with that version! All you have requested so far (except for the
Xfree-Stuff) are working pretty well in stable. Networking is _basic_
stuff and _stable_. Please don't try to get more problems at a time than

> , i have'nt tried that out yet but i was
> wondering if there is another way to do it

laptop-net docu, see above; 



www.tldp.org in general.

>  >
> Also, lets say i add the following lines to my /etc/apt/sources.list,
> can then just use
> > >  > 
>  > >  > #### XFree 4.3 backport
>  > >  > #### this should work as of today (2003-10-22), delivers 4.3.0
>  > >  > deb http://people.debian.org/~mmagallo/packages/xfree86/i386/ ./
>  > >  > #### I got my XFree 4.3 from the  ximian-desktop 2 project, but at 
>  > >  > 
> apt-get update
> to install Xfree86 4.3/gnome2.2 etc or do i have to use
> apt-get install XFree86
First, you'll defenitely run into dependency warnings if not problems.
Replacing XFree 4.0 with 4.3 and Gnome 1.4 with 2.2 will replace at
least half of your system. So expect it to take some time (i.e. 2 or
more hours even with a good network connection) only for the
installation itself. But configuring the update may take even longer for

Second, to upgrade XFree, put those lines in your sources.list, then run

apt-get update

and afterwards do a

apt-cache policy xserver-xfree86

This will tell you what version is installed and what the candidate for
an upgrade would be and where apt would get that new one from.

If that all goes well, post the result of the last step here and we'll
see if we can get you further.

'till then...
> Thanks,
> Aswin

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